ordering 22
troubleshooting serial 139
Canada DOC regulations 248
Cancel Job key 30

256 Index
canceling print jobs
from control panel 30
with embedded web server 251
500-sheet paper tray 190
circuit 201
duplexer 191
envelope feeder 191
tray 1 189
trays 2, 3, 4 190
card stock 198
carriage return/line feed setting 216
cartridges. See toner cartridges
cassette mode
description 69
setting for tray 1 210
for HP Support Assistant 160
for service parts information 160
CD for software and documentation
ordering 22
software included 33
CFC usage 244
CFG settings
Network 225
TCP/IP 226
control panel messages 40
printer driver settings 36
printer language 221
printer resolution 217
printer settings 40
printer settings with embedded web
server 251
escape 237
garbled on screen 137
misformed 134
toner cartridge life expectancy 85
toner level 85
chlorofluorocarbons 244
Chooser, troubleshooting 143
choosing right printer driver 37
circuit capacity 201
fuser automatically 92
fuser manually 91
paper path 91
printer 88
toner from clothing 89
cleaning page 91
setting to run automatically 218
setting to run manually 218
clearable warnings setting 111, 220
paper jam message from control panel
persistent messages 111
clearing paper jams
from duplexer 104
from envelope feeder 100
from fuser area 107
from input tray areas 102
from output areas 106
from repeated jamming 110
from top cover and toner cartridge areas
locating source 97
clothing, cleaning toner from 89
collating (mopying)
error messages 126
using 65
combining escape sequences 237
commands for printer
cursor positioning 240
description 235
font selection 241
HP-GL/2 235
job control 239
language selection 240
page control 239
PCL 235, 239
PJL 235
programming hints 240
selecting PCL fonts 238
syntax 236
compact disc
for HP Support Assistant 160
for service parts information 160
compact disc for software and
ordering 33
software included 33
between printer products 203
SIMM 229
bundles available for printer 18
current printer 205
obtaining information with embedded web
browser 251
Configuration Menu 111, 219
configuration page
blank page prints 138
cannot print 138
description 153
location in control panel menus 208
printing 152
printing with embedded web server 251
configuration page (embedded web server)

Index 257
configure printer page (embedded web
server) 253
alerts 94
control panel messages 40
custom paper 213
embedded web server language 254
fuser mode 212
HP JetDirect card with embedded web
server 254
network parameters 225
Novell NetWare parameters 41
number of quick copy jobs 221
printer 13
printer drivers 36
printer for IP printing 40
printer password 40
printer personality (language) 221
printer reaction to errors 220
printers connected to network with HP
JetDirect print server 41
RAM disk settings 221
response to toner low 87
response to toner out 87
toner low and toner out settings 219
consumables. See supplies
power 201
saving energy 244
saving paper 244
saving toner 244
contact information page (embedded web
server) 254
control panel
? label 29
? message 31
changing settings 32
configuring messages 40
description 205
description and illustration 29
does not display READY message 137
keys 30
lights 29, 219
location 19
locking functions 40
menu map 32
messages 111
overriding settings 32
printing menu map 32
saving settings 30
settings overridden by printer driver and
software commands 205
troubleshooting 137
wrong language 137
control panel menus
access denied 32
accessing 32
Configuration 219
cycling through at control panel 30
EIO 225
exiting 30
I/O 222
Information 208
Paper Handling 210
Print Quality 217
Printing 213
Private/Stored Jobs Menu 207
Quick Copy Jobs Menu 206
Resets 223
converting paper weights 194
printing additional 72
quick jobs 72
setting default number 213
setting number of private/stored jobs 207
setting number of quick 206
country/region offices worldwide for
customer sales and service 172
country/region sales and service offices
Courier font, setting 216
CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) setting
creased paper problem 135
Create Cleaning Page setting 218
crooked page problem 134
envelopes 197
paper 192, 198
curled paper problem 135
current printer settings, checking 32, 151
cursor positioning commands for printer
custom paper
setting dimensions for short and long
edges 214
setting option 213
setting units of measure 214
customer service
worldwide country/region offices 172
customer support
country/region sales and service offices
worldwide 172
direct ordering for accessories and
supplies 160
during and after warranty period 165
fraud hotline 161
HP Support Packs 161
language and in-country options 163
online product information 160
online services 157

258 Index
parts information 160
service agreements 160
worldwide support options 162
Customization Utility 36
See also configuring
tray 1 operating 69
trays used for printing 68
custom-size paper
guidelines for printing 63
margins 63
printing 63
printing to rear output bin 45
setting paper size 63
supported sizes and weights in tray 1 189
supported sizes and weights in trays 2, 3,
4 190