dark printing, setting toner density 218
Data light 29
data, transmitting speed 222
dBase, entering escape characters in 237
Declaration of Conformity (DOC)
Canadian 248
U.S. 247
decreasing page view 10
changing printer driver 36
image size for paper 213
number of copies 213
printer personality (language) 221
restoring settings 223
viewing settings 205
defects repeating problem 133
private jobs 77
private/stored jobs 207
quick copy 73
quick copy jobs 206
stored print jobs 79
Desktop Printer Utility 33
device identification page (embedded web
server) 253, 254
device pages (embedded web server) 253
printer 200
setting for long edge of paper 214
setting for short edge of custom paper
supported for duplexer 191
supported for envelopes in envelope
feeder 191
supported for paper in tray 1 189
supported for paper in trays 2, 3, 4 190
description 229
expanding 229
handling static electricity 230
illustration 21
installing 229
ordering 22
printing font list 156
directory of files, printing 208
failure 112
failure (RAM) 116
file system full 113
file system full (RAM) 117
operation failed 113
operation failed (RAM) 117
write protected 113
display panel. See control panel
distributing printer drivers 36
DLC/LLC setting 225
DOC (Declaration of Conformity)
Canadian 248
U.S. 247
accessory guides 14
additional information 13
Getting Started Guide 13
HP Fast Infrared Receiver User Guide 14
HP JetDirect Print Server Administrator’s
Guide 13
online help 14
ordering 22
using online user guide 9
DOS Edit, entering escape characters in
DOS Edlin, entering escape characters in
DOS, entering escape characters 237
double-side-seam envelopes 197
flash memory across networks 37
fonts 37
macros 37
draft quality printing
setting 217
through EconoMode 218
DRAMM DIMMs, ordering 22
drivers, printer. See printer drivers
in printing 192
on page 131
duplex printing accessory
bad connection message 112
capacity 191
clearing jams 104
illustration 21
installing 49

Index 259
ordering 22
paper orientation 51
supported paper sizes 49
supported paper sizes and weights 191
troubleshooting 110
using with rear output bin 50
duplexer. See duplex printing accessory
binding options 52
booklets 66
description 49
guidelines 50
location of option in control panel menus
dust cover
location 20
tray 2 and duplexer 49