offline, sending printer 30
online help
? message 31
exiting 31
printer 37
user guide 31
online operation, returning to 30
online services
description 157
direct ordering 160
HP Support Assistant 160
parts information 160
printer drivers, printer software, product
and support information 157
software utilities 158
online user guide
browsing with thumbnails 11
finding information 10
finding words 11
magnifying page view 10
navigating 9
online help 14
paging through 11
printing 11
using online 9
operating systems
Red Hat Linux 41
Sun Solaris 41
supported 35
SuSE Linux 41
website for supported 41
operating temperature 202
order of trays used 68
order supplies page (embedded web
server) 254
accessories and supplies 21
supplies through embedded web server
for duplexing 51

Index 265
orientation setting 214
label sheets 61
special paper 54
transparencies 62
OS/2 printer drivers 35
other links page (embedded web server)
output bins
clearing paper jams 106
location 20
using 44
overhead transparencies. See
override A4 with letter setting 216
overriding printer settings 36
ozone production 244