packing equipment 165
Page 134
page control commands 239
page count for printer 153
paging through online user guide 9, 11
card stock 198
custom-size 45
guidelines for using 192
heavy 198
manually feeding 71
ordering 22
printing custom-size 63
problem symptoms, causes, and
solutions 192
recycling 246
saving 244
settings for rough or heavy 212
specifications 188
supported weights and sizes 189
types supported 192
types to avoid 193
weight equivalences 194
paper handling
available accessories 17
features 16
ordering accessories 22
Paper Handling Menu 210
paper jams
clearing from duplexer 104
clearing from envelope feeder 100
clearing from fuser area 107
clearing from output areas 106
clearing input tray areas 102
clearing top cover area 98
configuring alerts 94
configuring recovery behavior 220
locating 97
resolving repeated 110
paper level indicator 19
paper path
cleaning 91
test 209
paper tray extension 46
paper trays
adjustments 47
bad connection message 112
cannot feed paper 112
clearing jams 96, 102
empty condition message 117
loading 47
loading tray 1 46
location 19
locking 70
ordering 22
orienting paper for duplexing 51
parallel communication setting 222
parallel high speed setting 222
parallel interface port 20
partial page prints 130
after production has stopped 246
information on CD 160
location on printer 19
returning 165
shipping and packing 165
website for identification and pricing 160
embedded web server 254
printer 40
PC-8 symbol set 215
PC-850 symbol set 215
commands 235
printing font list 156
selecting fonts 238
setting as printer language 221
setting font number 215
setting font pitch 215
setting font point size 215
setting source of fonts 214
setting symbol set setting 215
PCL 5e printer drivers
included with printer 35
when to use 37
PCL 6 printer drivers
included with printer 35
when to use 37
PCL bitmap fonts 37
PCL command 239
PCL font list
description 156
location in control panel menu maps 208

266 Index
printing 156
PDF (portable document format)
browsing with thumbnails 11
finding information 10
finding words 11
icons 9
increasing and decreasing magnification
navigating 9
printing 11
using 9
viewing 10
perform printer maintenance message 93
permanent fonts 156
permanent resources for printer 232
personal identification number (PIN) for
printing private/stored jobs 207
personality (language), setting for printer
Personality setting 221
PhoneNET interface, ordering 22
physical dimensions for printer 200
pickup rollers, replacing 93
PIN (personal identification number) for
printing private/stored jobs 207
pitch/point information 156
PJL (Printer Job Language) commands
Planet Partners program
description 245
website 245
plastics, recycling 245
portable document format (PDF)
browsing with thumbnails 11
finding information 10
finding words 11
icons 9
increasing and decreasing magnification
navigating 9
printing 11
using 9
viewing 10
portrait orientation, setting 214
accessory interface 20
bidirectional parallel setting 222
FIR (Fast Infrared) receiver 20
locations 20
parallel interface 20
paper weight equivalences 194
printing 63
specifications 198
PostScript Level 2 emulation 35
PostScript Printer Description files (PPDs).
See PPDs (PostScript Printer
Description files)
PostScript Type 1 37
PostScript Type 42 37
PostScript. See PS
connector location 20
consumption 201
requirements 201
saving 219, 244
standby 201
switch location 19
mode 244
power consumption 201
setting 219
PPDs (PostScript Printer Description files)
Macintosh 40
on printer CD 33
selecting alternate 145
preprinted/prepunched paper
duplexing 51
printing 53
preventative maintenance 93
pricing for parts 160
print cartridges. See toner cartridges
print drivers. See printer drivers
print jobs
canceling 30
configuring timeout for held 221
deleting held 75
deleting private 77
deleting stored 79
formatted incorrectly 141
infrared 81
managing 72
not printing as expected 140
printing private 76
printing stored 78
proofing and holding 74
quick copying 72
releasing private 76
retaining 72
setting number of quick 206
specifying private 76
stop in the middle of printing 140
will not print 139
Print Quality Menu 217
print quality problems
correcting 128
symptoms, causes, and solutions 192
print resolution 217
print servers, communicating with HP
JetDirect 150

Index 267
print speed 202, 217
cleaning 88
compatibility matrix 203
configurations 18
configuring settings with embedded web
server 253
control panel description and illustration
current settings 151
dimensions 200
features and benefits 16
help software 37
maintenance 93
managing and troubleshooting remotely
managing internal resources 232
managing through network 41
maximum temperature 193
memory and expansion 229
naming 40
obtaining information with embedded web
browser 251
online help 31
operating systems supported 35
operating temperature 202
ordering supplies 22
overriding control panel settings 36
parts and locations 19
password 40
placing printer online or offline 30
pulling from wrong tray 142
relative 202
renaming for Macintosh 145
resetting 223
saving settings 66
setting up 13
setting up notification of events 253
software included on CD 33
space requirements 200
specifications 200
weight 201
Printer Collation Error page 126
printer commands
cursor positioning 240
description 235
font selection 241
language selection 240
PCL 235, 239
programming hints 240
syntax 236
printer drivers
Apple LaserWriter 40
Apple LaserWriter 8 37
choosing the right one 37
configuring 36
configuring for duplexer 50
description 35
distributing 36
help software 37
included on printer CD 33
included with printer 35
infrared 80
Macintosh 40
Microsoft Windows 36
online help 14
OS/2 35
PCL 5e 37
PCL 6 37
PS 37
settings versus software program 32
troubleshooting Macintosh 143
website 157
Printer Job Language (PJL) commands
printer languages (personality), selecting
default 221
printer maintenance kit
ordering 22
using 93
printer software
available on printer CD 33
website 157
printer status page (embedded web server)
booklets 66
by type and size of paper 70
configuration page 152
control panel menu map 32
different first page 67
envelopes 55
envelopes from tray 1 56, 197
feeding paper manually 71
file directory 208
font list 156
for IP 40
heavy paper 63, 198
held jobs 74
labels 61
menu map 32, 151
multiple pages on one sheet 67
online user guide 11
paper path test 209
quick copy jobs 206
small or narrow paper 53
speed 202, 217
stops in the middle 140
stored jobs 78, 207
supplies status page 154
transparencies 62
usage page 208

268 Index
watermarks 66
with infrared receiver 80
Printing Menu 213
private job
deleting 77
printing 76
releasing 76
specifying 76
Private/Stored Jobs Menu 207
problems. See troubleshooting
Process Cleaning Page setting 218
compatibility matrix 203
repair 162
return 166
stewardship program 244
programming hint commands for printer
proof and hold feature 74
proofing a job 74
proportional-spaced fonts 238
ProRes resolution 16
protecting the environment 244
protocol settings 225
error page prints 139
printing font list 156
setting as printer language 221
setting error page printing 221
PS font list
description 156
location in control panel menus 208
printing 156
PS printer drivers
included with printer 35
when to use 37
punched paper, printing 53