safety statements
laser products 248
laser products in Finland 249
internal printer resources 232
paper 244
power 219, 244
printer settings 66
quick jobs 72
settings at control panel 30
toner 218, 244
scaling page images 66
securing information on configuration page
security page (embedded web server) 254
Select key 30
serial cables, troubleshooting 139
serial cards, ordering 22
serial number
learning from configuration page 153
serial number for printer
location 20
agreements 160
HP SupportPacks 161
parts information on CD 160
See also customer support
worldwide country/region offices 172
Service Information form 166
binding edge 211
carriage return /line feed (CR/LF) option
cleaning page to run automatically 218
Courier font 216
custom paper option 213
custom paper sizes 63
default number of copies 213
default paper size 213
dimensions of short and long edges of
custom paper 214
draft quality printing through 300-dpi
resolution 217
duplex option 211
envelope type 210
fuser mode 212
manual feed 211
number of characters on line for A4 paper
number of lines on page 214
PCL font number 215
PCL font pitch 215
PCL font point size 215
PCL fonts 214
PCL symbol set 215
portrait or landscape orientation 214
response to toner low 87
response to toner lower 87
small paper speed 212
tray 1 mode 210
tray 1 option 69
tray 1 size 210
tray 1 to cassette 210
tray 1 type 211
tray 2 type 211
tray 3 type 211
tray 4 type 211
units of measure 214
setting up printer 13
affecting printer messages 111
at control panel override printer driver and
software commands 205
auto continue 220
changing control panel 32
changing printer 40
changing printer driver 36
changing with embedded web server 251
clearable warnings 220
configuring 253
control panel 205

270 Index
cycling through and selecting at control
panel 30
envelope size 210
input/output communication 222
jam recovery 220
maintenance message 220
number of quick copy jobs 221
printer driver versus software program 32
printer personality (language) 221
protocol 225
PS error page 221
RAM disk 221
saving at control panel 30
saving printer 66
toner low and toner out 219
verifying current 151
viewing control panel 32
shaking toner cartridges 86
shelf life of toner cartridges 85
shiping equipment 165
SIMMs, compatibility with printer 229
sizes 189
printing by 70
scaling pages 66
setting default image size for paper 213
setting for envelopes 210
setting for short and long edges of custom
paper 214
setting for tray 1 210
supported for paper in duplexer 191
supported for paper in envelope feeder
supported for paper in tray 1 189
supported for paper in trays 2, 3, 4 190
skewed page problem 134
slides. See transparencies
slow print speed problem 140
slow printing, setting 212
small paper
printing 45, 53
setting speed 212
smearing on paper problem 132
soft fonts 156
soft fonts, setting 214
soft gloss paper, ordering 22
for Windows 36
help for printer drivers 37
included on printer CD 33
license 170
Macintosh 40
network 33, 41
utilities 158
software CD
for printer 33
ordering 22
installing printer software 41
used with HP Web JetAdmin 41
space requirements 200
spare parts after production has stopped
special paper
manually feeding 71
ordering 21
acoustic emissions 202
card stock 198
electrical 201
envelope feeder 197
envelopes 197
environmental 201
general 202
heavy paper 198
humidity 202
labels 196
memory 202
paper 188
printer 200
transparencies 196
specks on page problem 130
printer 16
printing 217
setting for small paper 212
slower than expected 140
transmitting data 222
spots on page problem 136
standby power consumption 201
static electricity when installing memory
stored jobs
deleting 207
printing 207
envelopes 198
print jobs 78
toner cartridges 85
straight-through paper path 45
Sun Solaris
installing printer software 41
used with HP Web JetAdmin 41
after production has stopped 246
direct ordering 160
level of consumption 253
list and illustration 21
obtaining information with embedded web
server 251
ordering 22
printing status page 154
recycling in U.S. 245

Index 271
recycling outside U.S. 246
usage report 154
website 245
supplies page (embedded web server) 253
supplies status page
description 155
location in control panel menus 209
printing 154
Support Assistant 160
support. See customer support
SupportPacks 161, 246
SuSE Linux 41
switching printer languages 37, 221
symbol set for PCL 215
Symphony, entering escape characters in
symptoms of output quality problems 128