TCP/IP protocol, setting 226
TCP/IP setting 225
technical support. See customer support
maximum printer 193
operating 202
testing the paper path 209
throughput of printer 16
thumbnails, using to browse in online user
guide 11
for held jobs 221
for input/output 222
tire tracks on page problem 136
Token Ring cards, configuring 226
checking level 85
cleaning from clothing 89, 98
density 218
fuser mode for best possible fusing 212
HP UltraPrecise 16
loose problem 133
non-HP detected 116
redistributing in cartridge 86
remaining in printer after paper jam 97
saving 244
smear problem 132
troubleshooting 192
toner cartridges
authenticating 84
checking toner level 85
clearing paper jams 98
configuring toner low and toner out
settings 219
disadvantages of non-HP 84
features 16
hotline to report fraud 161
installing 14
life expectancy 85
location 20
material safety data sheet (MSDS) 246
ordering 22
printing report on usage 154
recycling 245
shaking 86
shelf life 85
storing 85
supplies information available with
genuine HP 84
warranty 169
Toner Density setting 218
toner low
configuring alerts 94
configuring response 87
description 87
toner low setting 219
toner out
configuring alerts 94
configuring response 87
description 87
toner out setting 219
top cover
clearing paper jams under 98
location 19
top output bin
clearing paper jams 106
location 19
tracks on page problem 136
transfer rollers, replacing 93
transmitting data, speed 222
fuser mode for 212
ordering 22
printing 44, 62
solving repeated jams 110
specifications 196
tray 1
capacity 189
cassette vs. first mode 69
clearing paper jams 102
customizing operation 69
description 46
envelope specifications 197
feeding paper
setting for manual 211
load message 118
loading 46
location 19
orienting paper for duplexing 51
orienting special paper 54
printing envelopes 55
setting how printer will use (mode) 210
setting size 210

272 Index
setting size from control panel 70
setting type 211
supported paper sizes and weights 189
tray 2
adjusting for paper 47
bad connection message 112
clearing paper jams 102
description 47
load message 118
loading 47
location 19
orienting paper for duplexing 51
orienting special paper 54
setting size from control panel 70
setting type 211
supported paper sizes and weights 190
tray 3
adjusting for paper 47
bad connection message 112
clearing paper jams 102
description 47
load message 118
loading 47
orienting paper for duplexing 51
orienting special paper 54
setting size from control panel 70
setting type 211
supported paper sizes and weights 190
tray 4
adjusting for paper 47
bad connection message 112
clearing paper jams 102
description 47
load message 118
loading 47
orienting paper for duplexing 51
orienting special paper 54
setting size from control panel 70
setting type 211
supported paper sizes and weights 190
clearing jams 102
location 19
obtaining configuration information with
embedded web browser 251
ordering 22
control panel messages 111
flowchart 137
HP Fast Infrared Receiver 148
HP JetDirect print server communication
output quality problems 128
paper jams 96
print quality problems 192
repeated paper jams 110
summary of techniques 95
using information pages 151
TrueType fonts 37
two-up printing 67
type settings, printing by 70